Dr. A’s Plumbing Ruptures After Cold Weekend
When Dr. A arrived for work Monday morning after a weekend of low temperatures, the building was full of water and still leaking from pipes in the second floor walls. A claim investigation revealed that the plumbing had frozen in the second floor grooming area, and the pipes burst. The practice closed operations for building repairs. Dr. A rented an office and equipment to continue business operations at a temporary location. A second practice of Dr. A’s accommodated some of the lost business. The insurance carrier paid more than $286,000 in damages for the building, the business property, and business interruption and extra expenses.
Fire Marshal Suspects Rats Burned Down Dr. B’s Practice
A fire ignited inside electrical signage attached to the front of Dr. B’s practice and spread to the roof. The fire department arrived and extinguished it. A third of the practice’s 5,000 square foot roof was damaged, and two-thirds of the building sustained severe soot and water damage including the front entrance, reception area, and three exam rooms. Damaged property included diagnostic equipment, endoscopes, radiographic machinery, and computers
Due to the extensive damage, the fire marshal and investigator could not determine the fire’s cause. The sign’s fluorescent lights were on a timer during the evening hours. A large nest of rats was found near the sign, and it was suspected that rats had chewed on the sign’s electrical wiring and ignited the fire. While the practice was being restored, Dr. B established a temporary location to continue operations. The insurance carrier paid more than $875,000 in damages for the building, the business property, and business interruption and extra expenses.
Electrical Fire Consumes Dr. C’s Practice
Dr. C’s practice was declared a total loss from fire. An accident investigation revealed that the fire was the result of an adverse electrical event. While the practice was being restored, Dr. C rented an RV and a mobile storage unit to resume limited operations in the practice’s parking lot. Dr. C’s insurance carrier paid more than $233,354 in damages for Dr. C’s business personal property and business interruption and extra expenses. Damage to the physical building was covered by the property owner’s insurance policy.