EPL Quote


Filing a complaint with the EEOC takes minutes. Anyone can do it. Even if a case is meritless, allegations of harassment or wage and hour disputes are expensive to defend. With an employment practice liability (EPL) policy, you’ll be covered for the legal defense fees and indemnity for wrongful employment   practices claims (up to your policy limits).

Still think you don’t need coverage? Check out these three cases of actual claims involving veterinary practices.2  What would you do if one of these happened at your clinic, and you didn’t have an EPL policy?    

Allegation: Pregnancy Discrimination

A former technician alleged that shortly after informing her employer she was pregnant, her duties were modified without merit and her employment status was changed from salary to hourly pay. On behalf of the technician, the EEOC sued the practice, alleging pregnancy discrimination.


Allegation: Wrongful termination

A former veterinarian filed a lawsuit under the Americans with Disabilities Act, alleging that employment was terminated due to the employee’s disability, which the clinic failed to accommodate. The veterinarian sought damages for back pay, front pay and for emotional pain and suffering.


Allegation: Gender/sexual discrimination and harassment

A former receptionist claimed sexual harassment from a veterinarian working at the hospital. Further, the employee alleged that after complaining to hospital management, the veterinarian retaliated.


The PLIT program offers EPL policyholders unique risk management tools to manage employment-related risks including proprietary online tools (employee training, sample forms, and more) and access to an HR helpline (human resources consulting advice) at no additional cost. Add this valuable coverage to your portfolio today. 

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2Source: Public information available on the Advisen MSCAd database, advisen.com. 

Coverage subject to policy terms, limitations, and exclusions.